Fezigha's  attempt to adopt a child from a Bayelsa-
based orphanage home was scuttled, as she
was swindled by the coordinator of the home.

The miracle happened last year as she cried
when her menstrual flow stopped:
Fezigha concluded that menopause had set in
and her chances of having a child gone.

Thereafter, she started experiencing regular
dizziness and pains in some parts of her body
and went for a test but the scan strangely
confirmed that she was pregnant.

Nine months after, she gave birth to a baby
girl! The baby has been named Prudent.
She told LEADERSHIP during the child
dedication and thanksgiving service in Yenagoa
that the conception and birth of the “miracle
baby” was “the Lord’s doing and it is indeed
She said the pressure on her during her 19-
year wait was unbearable, especially as the
children she assisted their mothers to be
delivered had become parents themselves.
In the words of Mrs Kate Fezigha:
“I was worried that all the children I had
taken delivery of while on duty in the hospital
were now parents. I reflected and declared to
myself that in spite of the fact that no child
had died in my hand during birth as a midwife,
why shouldn’t I have mine?
"But a voice kept telling me to redouble my
effort and I shall be blessed. But the
mysterious voice started reducing in my head
as I was fast losing hope.

"I decided to adopt a baby from an orphanage
and I was swindled. 

At this stage, I ignored
the voice and handed the matter over to God.

And now I am a happy mother.”
Basking in the euphoria of her new bundle of
joy, Fezigha told LEADERSHIP that her
family is full of praises to God. "All the period
of waiting was not easy, but I am comforted
by the word of God. 

Women who are hoping to
have children should put their trust in God, an unshakeable one tho”.



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