To all those who always stay glued to the small screen, his face is familiar. he had a leading role in popular drama series Cobra where he attained his claim to fame.

He rose from zero to hero and vice-versa in a turbulent lifestyle that has seen roses and thorns. He has had séx with more than EIGHTY women and at one time spent six months in remand prison. He was later acquitted and became a convert and strong Christian.

But like what Jesus said in Luke 7 verse 48, that "Your sins are forgiven", he has since received Christ and regrets all that he did. The man, Jones Matanhire has finally opened up on his shattered life.

"My past is regrettable because I have since parted ways with my wife, kids and relatives.I was one of the people who misused fame and I went wild. I was enjoying life my brother because women would easily love me.

"I came on the limelight in 2002 after being approached by Arnold Shoko from ZBC and he was a producer. We were training together at Body Building Fitness Centre and as a producer he identified me after picking some acting characters in me. After that he took me for auditions with a drama called Cobra in 2002," said Jones.

The talented actor said he started acting while he was in Primary school when he was doing his Grade Six and Seven. He said at the auditions, he met their requirements and he was the most suitable candidate for the role of Joe in the Cobra drama.

"I was acting as Joe and it was a leading role. The Joe was fighting to please a girl. After landing the role Joe, life changed my brother, from zero to hero. We started getting opportunities and shifted from Ghetto to Avenues. The Drama lasted for Six months on TV. I then attained a diploma in Marketing and I started working with several companies since I had gained popularity in the country," narrated Jones.

The born-again actor said in April 2011 he left for Zambia where he took part in various plays on teaching about HIV and AIDS.

"Life in Zambia was heaven on earth because we could enjoy life, moving in all places but I was missing my family. During that time I had quite a number of séxual activities and I slépt with different women. When I came back home I never took care of the family. I started drinking life a fish and became an irresponsible husband leaving the entire burden to my wife," he said.

The self-confessed former womaniser said he returned home in 2012 when things turned up-side-down for him.

"I got tested while I was in Zambia after one of my girlfriends advised me about her pregnancy. She had gone for pregnancy tests and during that time she was tested for HIV and the results were shocking, she was positive. She forced me to get tested but I could not come to terms with the results. After I got tested I came back to Zimbabwe and I kept quiet about the issue. I never told my wife about the issue. I infected her but I regret. I later on received some counselling and it well well," he said.

Asked to explain what got him in jail, Jones said his landlord fabricated criminal charges against him.

"My wife had escaped to SA over a debt of US$2,000 and since I had become a burden to her, I failed to pay my rentals. The situation forced me to take my children to Highfield where my mother resides. At that time, my then landlord took my property before fabricating criminal chargesagainst me which landed me in remand prison pending my trial. It was alleged that I sodomised my four-year-old son and r*ped my two daughters aged 10 and 6 on 7 February," he said, and My Zimbabwe published the article

The actor said life in prison was not good at all.

"Life changed from bad to worse. I was in remand prison for five good months. The allegations were never true my brother, (they were) mere allegations meant to tarnish my image, just imagine how I can r*pe my own children and sodomise my son. I still wonder what she wanted to achieve from that, but I was saved from the jaws of imprisonment. I was facing 10 counts of both charges and she went on to add more charges which were serious. I thank God I am a free man," he revealed.

Matanhire was found NOT guilty after the State failed to prove a case against him beyond reasonable doubt on 14 June after a full trial. Shockingly, lawyers who wanted to represent his famous actor, demanded a whooping US$15,000 to represent him in court and help him get bail. For that reason he failed to acquire the services of a defence counsel.

Asked to reveal the total number of women that he has had s*x with, Matanhire left this reporter speechless and dumbfounded.

"During my peak of popularity I had s*x with approximately 80 women, within Harare and Zambia. In 2002 it was so amazing to be on TV. I abused the fame. To make matters worse I lackedcounselling and I failed to handle it properly, leaving me in this mud. I am now a born again Christian with UFIC under the guidance of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa," he said



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