Dear Tee,
I am a final year student of one of the best polytechnic in Nigeria. I am in love with a lady who has finished school. She has a degree and now she’s working. She’s pregnant for me and now I am that she should abort the pregnancy because I felt that I am not ready to father a child.
Although she has refused to undergo an abortion.. I know we don’t have that cash now to settle down; get our own house, do a formal introduction and get married. My fear now is I have a very lovely aunty who send me money and cloth from abroad and I am sure she will feel disappointed when she hears about this because she has been there always… Please what should I do?

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Dear P,
I understand that you are not financially stable right now to marry her, but then the solution to that is NOT abortion. Why do you want to risk the life of your girlfriend by telling her to go for an abortion? Why do you want to kill an innocent baby? This lady is working, she can at least support the baby for now, and you should support her in your own little way before you find a means to income. You are already in your final year, that should be an advantage. You would soon graduate and you can then start fending for your girl and kid. You also said that your aunt would feel disappointed….. yeah, she might…..but the deed is done already. Don’t tell me you want to risk the life of someone you claim to love because of what your aunt would feel about you. You should have thought about that earlier before having s*x with your girl. Get a job immediately you leave school and become responsible for your woman and your kid. ABORTION IS A NO-NO!


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