Lidianette Carmona, right, the wife of the late boxer Christopher Rivera who was shot to death on Sunday, left, hugs the boxer's mother Celines Amaro, as they stand next to his body during his wake at the community recreation center within the public housing project where he lived in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Friday

Christopher Rivera Amaro, 23,  almost looked ready to box, leaning against the corner of a simulated ring, but it was just his corpse. Hundreds of mourners who came to his wake in San Juan on Friday found him posed afoot, a yellow hood on his head, sunglasses glasses over his eyes and blue boxing gloves on his hands. The canvas of the floor was red and white in honor of the Puerto Rican flag.

The pair posed with Rivera's son Julio Christopher alongside the body which stood propped up in a fake boxing ring during. Elsie Rodriguez, vice president of the Marin funeral home, explained that Rivera had asked his family that if he died, he wanted his funeral to make reference to his boxing career

The young boxer from Puerto Rico had a beautiful family, his wife Lidianette Carmona and their son Julio where his most valuable possession, he had a promising boxing career, but everything was taken from him  on Sunday, January 26, when he was shot dead in the city of Santurce.

Rivera Amaro had 5-15 record in the 130-pound weight class, his dying wish was granted by a close friend, it may sound weird to some of you , but Rivera’s death wish was to have his embalmed body set with his full boxing gear in the center on a staged ring ready to fight his opponent, his beloved mother Celines Amaro, along Rivera’s son Julio Christopher and his loving wife Lidianette Carmona posed with him.



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