The Saudi Arabia health ministry on Wednesday announced that one of its nationals died of heart attack after reportedly showing symptoms similar to those found in Ebola victims.

              AFP reports that the ministry’s website disclosed that the deceased, who had visited Sierra Leone, died of cardiac arrest, despite efforts by the medical team to save his life.
              The country’s health ministry said the deceased was admitted after showing symptoms of haemorrhagic fever upon his return from Sierra Leone.

It said the man will be buried today (Wednesday) according to Islamic rites, but under precautionary measures handed down by the world health authorities. The ministry, however, declined to reveal the test results of the deceased, to ascertain if the deceased has been suffering from the Ebola virus.
It would be recalled that on Tuesday, Saudi health ministry announced that one of its nationals suspected to have contracted the deadly virus was quarantined in hospital in Jeddah. As part of efforts to curb the deadly virus from ravaging the country, Saudi Arabia in April announced a ban on visas for Muslims from the three West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone wishing to perform the pilgrimage to its Muslim holy sites.

However, the World Health Organisation has started a two-day emergency meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, in partnership with UN agency to brainstorm on whether to declare the epidemic an international crisis or not. The apex health body is yet issued global level restrictions on travel and trade regarding the outbreak which started in Guinea, spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone and now Nigeria.
Meanwhile, Ebola virus has claimed over 900 lives and infected more than 1,603 people across West Africa. Its symptoms include severe fever, unstoppable bleeding, which is easily transmitted through close contact with body fluids.



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