You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you - John Bunyan
At PROJECT LET GO, we frown at the habit of wastage, and as such we want to encourage the youths to be benevolent by imbibing the habit of giving, empowering the society by uplifting the faces of the needy via material things; clothes, books, food and even with knowledge and experiences.
VISION: We hope to have reached out to more than 1000 kids and disadvantaged people by the year 2016.
This idea was borne from the present realities of our world belonging to the social classes of the haves and haves not; where many have too much to use and waste them and in the extreme case, people who have nothing to use and nothing to lose. Some sides of our society have been marginalised, downtrodden and denied the access to the fundamentals of living. We have many people who are not privileged; who the society sometimes ignore or fail to remember their existence. PROJECT LET GO also stems from the fact that, people (youths) sometimes hold on to material things without need for them until they are spoilt or no longer usable. There is also a trend amongst youths where they constantly accumulate new things whilst holding on to their old ones. We at PROJECT LET GO believe that that no matter how old these materials may seem, someone somewhere is in need of them and would deeply appreciate having them; hence, our motto "Just Let Go."
So, we want to encourage the act of giving back to the society; to those that are less privileged. We believe one does not have to be a millionaire to be philanthropic; the little you have will go a long way in meeting someone's, somewhere needs. PROJECT LET GO is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities.
THIS PROJECT, PROJECT LET GO is a brainchild of Oluseyi Jude AJANI, a fashion entrepreneur, strategic thinker, change agent. He is a final year student of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of Obafemi Awolowo University, he is also the CEO, JANICUTS- OAU, a trailblazing fashion brand. A brand known for making shirts, foot wears, native fabrics and so on. He believes in making the world, most especially his country, Nigeria a better place and letting every person, one at a time, enjoy life. 'Seyi Ajani is of the Barrack Obama philosophical school of thought- that change will not come if we wait for some other persons, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
MAIDEN EDITION: For the maiden edition of this project, we call on young people to bring their old clothing(at least 3) and receive one new one for free. When all these old clothing are gathered, organizations that carry out charity work (we are in partnership with these organizations) would get the donated clothes across to the less privileged and those in dire need of these materials.
This event will be staged at the epicentre of the university, the Students' Union Building Car Park of Obafemi  Awolowo University on the 30th of January, 2015. From the maiden edition, we would go on to accept clothes, books, food, partner with cognate organizations and also collaborate with entrepreneurs. Seminars will also be organized so as to share knowledge.
This epoch-making event is proudly supported and vetoed by the Students' Union, Jo's Indulge, JCI, ANUNSA, Heart 2 Heart, JFK Foundation, Gossip Nation Nigeria, Neonatar, love4hope, BFC, Adelodun Photography.

For more enquires and facilitation : 07057305493



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