Femi Fani-Kayode has described the presidential election as a struggle between light and darkness.

According to the spokesperson of the presidential campaign organisation of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), President Jonathan represents light, while the All Progressives Congress candidate, Muhammadu Buhari represents darkness.

While addressing journalists at the campaign headquarters of the PDP in Abuja on Wednesday, January 7, Fani-Kayode stated that the opposition has engaged in propaganda and mud-slinging in recent time, but that the ruling party intends to run a clean campaign which will show to the world the antecedents of the president in the last four years.

He said: “We wish to inform you that it is our intention to run a clean campaign that is based on facts, figures and issues. We shall not indulge in the type of cheap propaganda, mud-slinging and deceit that the APC and their Presidential candidate have been indulging in over the last few weeks and months but it is our full intention to expose General Muhammadu Buhari for what he really is, what he stands for and the great danger that his candidacy portends for the unity of the Nigerian state and the peace and well-being of the Nigerian people.”

“More importantly, we shall let the world know about the sterling performance of our candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan, over the last four years and we shall make a strong case and appeal to the Nigerian people to grant him the privilege and opportunity to serve a second term. We believe that we have reached a crossroads in our nation’s history and that the forthcoming Presidential Election is a battle for the very soul and destiny of Nigeria.”

“We believe that it is a struggle between light and darkness. We believe that General Buhari represents the darkness and that President Jonathan represents the light. We believe that General Buhari represents a return to an ugly past which is best forgotten while President Jonathan represents our hope for a greater and better future. We believe that the APC, on which platform General Buhari is contesting the presidential election, represents everything that is unholy and unwholesome in our society and that the PDP represents all that is decent and good,” the statement added.

The erstwhile aviation minister also advised Nigerians against voting for Buhari, if they desire a “positive change”, adding that Jonathan’s campaign will work hard to disseminate information on the past deeds of the APC presidential candidate.

Fani-Kayode also said the president has earned the right to lead the nation for another four years, stating that the country does not deserve to be run by someone like Buhari.

“We believe that the much-vaunted ‘change’ campaign of General Buhari represents nothing but a change from good to evil. If you want a positive change, you cannot expect to get it from a man like General Buhari whose democratic credentials are questionable and whose record in public office is shameful and disastrous. Most people do not remember the atrocities that he committed when he was in power and it is our intention to document them and remind the Nigerian people about them.”

Most people have chosen to ignore the number of things that General Buhari has said and the number of things that he has done over the last few months and years that have brought carnage, division and strife in our society and that prove that he is not the sort of person that can be trusted with power. It is our intention to bring those things to the attention of the Nigerian people so that they can make an informed choice.”

“We do not believe that Nigeria ought to be run by a man that is not capable of tolerating dissent or by a political party like the APC that has no sense of remorse, restraint or decency and that is not capable of accepting a plurality of views. We believe that President Goodluck Jonathan has earned the right for a second term and, in the next few weeks, we shall make a humble appeal to the Nigerian people to vote for him massively in the February 14 Presidential Election. By the grace and power of God, we shall prevail.”



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